Thursday, 2 August 2007

Courts Closure - 13-17 Aug, 1 Court Will Be Closed For Rectification Works

Court Closure 13-17 Aug For Repairs!

As you may have noticed, Court 2 has got a water-stain mark on the front left of the court floor while court 1 has got thick pieces of paint peeling off the front wall. (I wonder who is the one hitting so hard!).

My guess is that the water seepage has gone under the layer of plaster/paint and is causing it to peel.

The club has informed us that the courts will be closed to rectify these problems on from the 6-7th of Aug.
One of the courts will also be closed from 13-17 Aug for further repairs.

The Club appreciates the understanding of the squash section for the inconvenience caused, and we also thank them for acting promptly to the situation and keeping our courts in tip top condition.

17 Aug 2007
The courts are open for business again. Hopefully no further defects surface in the near future.

Inter-House Games - Squash


Please note that there will be a new format of play for the inter-house squash game this year.

Tournament Duration : Games will commence on 3rd August'07 and all games must be played by 8th September'07

I have sent to the house captains a preliminary list of players available in their house. Captains are requested to send me their finalised lineup before we start the games (so that we can entertain any dispute).

Players are to be ranked according to their SSRA ranking.

Each house is to field 4 men and 1 lady for the games - total of 5 ties

Games will be played to best of 5 sets - British Scoring.

Scoring : 1 point will be awarded to each team for each tie won. One more additional point will be awarded to the house that wins the match.

eg. if Team A wins 3 ties and team B wins 2 ties, Team A gets 3+1 points and team B gets 2 points.

Score cards will be emailed to team captains for score submission.

Team Captains are as follows

Seletar - Jeremy Lee (96229889)
Tengah - Frank Foo (98554799)
Changi - Oma Koppe (94788996)
Paya Lebar - Felix Chen (96156022)

Club members who are able to represent their houses for the interhouse squash game can contact the house team captains directly.

Jeremy Lee said...

Yes, Frank Foo raised the point that 5th Aug is our game against Chinese Swimming Club.

So can the captains of the two teams scheduled to play on Sunday 5th please mutually arrange another play date.


thefoosfamily said...

sorry for the delay.


no one yet...
vicki no more squash liao.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, if you guys value your position on the ladder, you better start practising to defend it. Results of ALL INTERHOUSE matches will be used in updating the ladder.


Jeremy Lee said...

Line up for Seletar House amended. Colin to play above Yak Keng.

Sorry my typo error as Colin's SSRA ranking is higher than Yak Keng's

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

SIA Squash Blog

Things are moving on...

We have now moved from a webpage at to this new blog so that we don't have to depend on one person to update the info. Anyone in the SIA squash fraternity can contribute.

It is also much easier to do housekeeping and getting rid of old info.

Hope that everyone contributes to this Blog. Happy Squashing.

SIA - Chinese Swimming Club Bilateral 5th Aug 2007

The annual bilateral with CSC will be held on Sunday 5th August at Chinese Swimming Club.

CSC will be hosting the game and we will start at 2pm.

Those who can play for the club please put your name down on this blog and i will update the player list.

Kalidas says that we need 5 guys and 1 Lady.

The Line up will be as follows:

  1. Eric Phuah
  2. Felix Chen
  3. Jeremy Lee
  4. Frank Foo
  5. Hing C M
  1. Millie
  2. Gillian
Please note that there will be dinner hosted at Chinese Swimming Club after the games. This year, entry to the dinner will be strictly by coupons only. So for those of you staying back for dinner. Please let me know so that i can reserve the number of coupons.

A gentle reminder from the club - do not bring kids/maids to the dinner.
