Sunday, 20 November 2011

World Airline Squash Tournament 2012

I have been informed that next year, World Airline Squash Tournament 2012, will be held in our favorite Hong Kong,
starting 15th Sept 2012.

Book your leave slots now ;-)

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

November 2011 Monthly Social

Hello SIA squashers,

As we gear up for the Nov-Dec holidays, time to also put in some exercise in anticipation of the feasting that will surely come ;-)

Let's get together for this month's Squash Nite:

Date: Thursday 17th Nov
Time: 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm, or as late as we can hack it ;-)
Venue: Squash courts, SIA Group Sports Club.
Both courts have been booked for our use from 6pm - 9pm on that day.

Let's plan on going for late dinner and beers too, after torturing each other in the courts!
Show of hands, who can make it?

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

SIA Squash catches up with the times on FaceBook

Dear all,

It's plainfully clear, resistance is futile ;-)

We now have a FaceBook page:

Let's utilize it as another tool for us to connect to one another.

Happy squashing!