Monday, 24 September 2012

SIA vs SCC Bilateral 2012

14th October away game at SCC 3pm

Format is 5m + 1 ladies ranked according to SSRA grading.

SIA vs Estella Gardens Veterans Friendly

6th October from 3pm - 8pm

SIA veterans vs Estella Gardens veterans.

Our regular players at the club are keen on fielding a veterans team next year. As such they are having a series of friendly matches to gauge their performance and gear up for competitive squash next year.

The first match will be vs Estella Gardens on 6th October. We will start at 3 with our better players playing the regular Estella Team. The vets will have their show from 5 pm onwards.

Lineup will be updated by whatsapp and final score put here.

SIA - CSC Bilateral 2012

Another great afternoon of great squash and friendship. SIA played host to this year's 15th SIA-CSC Bilateral Games. Overall results was CSC winning SIA 5-2 to take the challenge trophy.

As for squash, SIA won 4-3. Details of the individual games below:

Eric vs Marcus 1-3 (6-11,4-11,11-7,10-12) 
Jeremy vs Pang  3-1 (10-12,12-10,11-8,11-8)
Eric Yeow vs Michel 0-3 (4-11,9-11,11-13)
Gillian vs Royston 0-3 (9-11,5-11,9-11)
Hassan vs Gary 3-0 (11-5,11-9,11-7)
And the man of the match:
Yak Keng vs Janssen  3-1 (11-8,7-11,12-10,11-8)

Mazlan's first taste if battle on the court:
Mazlan vs Royston 0-3 (8-11,5-11,1-11)

Man of the match: Ng Yak Keng who who overcame his opponent by a narrow margin in the 3rd and 4th sets to win the deciding tie of the day. 

Mazlan had his first taste of competitive squash and looking forward to more appearances for the club.

The SIA - CSC Bilateral has always been a good opportunity for our club players to get exposure to playing against players at or above their current grade. The annual National Squash League (NSL) does provide a 4-5 month season for one to improve but that is limited to playing with players within the same grade. Sad to say, we have been unable to field NSL league teams in SIA due to lack of sufficient players for a viable team.

SIA's line up in terms of NSL grading was A,D,E,E,E(Ladies C),NG vs CSC's C,C, E,E,E,NG.

An evenly matched lineup where every tie could turn the results. The opponents did not have a ladies tie which put us at an advantage where the tie was 3-3 based on the 6 men tie.

Next stop: SIA vs SCC on 14th October.


Friday, 21 September 2012

Score Sheets

This is a general purpose score sheet for our club. Easy to print out and use for club tournaments and NSL games.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Squash Clinic by Zainal Abidin

Another SIA Squash activity put together especially for you:

An exclusive Squash Clinic night with Singapore's legend Zainal Abidin.

Do not miss this! Free for Club members and family. Nominal fee for non-members. Look out for the publicity campaign. Please indicate support and attendance, and spread the word. Club requires a minimum attendance before proceeding.... Thanks!

Friday 4th May, 2012. 6pm - 9pm. SIA Group Sports Club squash courts.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

March 2012 Squash Nite

Mark your calendars for this:

Friday 30th March, 2012
6pm - 9pm

See you at the SIA Group Sports Club Squash Courts ;-)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Squash Friendly vs Estella Gardens This Wednesday 07 March

The friendly vs Estella Gardens is on this Wednesday 07 March from 6pm. We have both courts from 7pm onwards. Good opportunity to make use of the bye in the D grade league to brush up on our match fitness. We have been playing mostly best of 3 sets. We all should be playing comfortably for 5. See you guys there.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

February 2012 Squash Nite


The first Squash Nite for 2012 will be held on:

Date: Monday, 27th February 2012
Time: 6pm - 9pm

Both courts are booked out for the period. See you all there ;-)