Wednesday, 21 November 2007

SSRA League 2008

We have just got the latest grading list from SSRA. I am still trying to get Eng Kiat downgraded. All the rest of us stay the same except for Frank who is now D2.

Looking ahead, we will need new captains for next years F and D teams. Anyone willing to volunteer to be captains for the teams?

Should also see if Evelyn wants to play for the guys F team. Johann is also a possible addition to the F team as I don't think he is listed in the grading list.


Anonymous said...

Frank's promotion means he can captain the D team ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for the update.I will not be able to Captain the team next year because of personal committment.

Do hope that someone will take over the place from Frank who has done an excellent job.

Including Johann and Evelyn into our F team will do wonders for the team. Both play excellent squash and are on the upper end if placed in that grade. DO hope they will join the team next year.

