Thursday, 31 July 2008

Singapore Airlines vs Cathay Pacific 2008

There has been a change in the date for the SQ vs CX game.
Felix proposed Tuesday 12 Aug and Wednesday 13 Aug for two days of games against 5 of their players 4M & 1L

The proposed itinerary as follows, please volunteer your services if you are in town. The name of the people assisting are in brackets::

Tuesday Aug 12:

  • 3:00pm Help arrange transport Hotel - Sports Club
  • 3:30pm Meet with Sports Club officials and tour of SIA Sports Club.
  • 4:00pm Squash games till 6.30pm
  • 7:00pm Dinner at Sports Club (catering to be confirmed)
  • 9:00pm Proceed For Satay and drinks at Satay Club.
  • Available helpers Das, Eric Phuah.

Available Players for 12 Aug

  1. Rizal
  2. Eric Phuah
  3. Jeremy
  4. Frank
  5. Johann Pieris
  6. Daren Chan
  7. Kalidas
  8. Gillian (has to play early)
  • Players will be SMSed to confirm their requirement for the games.

Wednesday Aug 13

  • 3:00pm Transport from Hotel to Club
  • 4:00pm Squash Games Part II
  • 6:30pm Wash up and head to Long Beach for seafood dinner.

Players for 13 Aug

  1. Oma
  2. Eric Phuah
  3. Felix
  4. Jeremy
  5. Johann Pieris

[Original post from Felix:]

Ladies and Gentleman of the racket club ;-)
Latest from Cathay is that they are trying to put together a team for our annual match in Singapore this October... so, I know our league season is over - but no time to rest on our laurels... got the WAST in August, CX visit in Oct!
Keep fit everyone... hahaaa....

08 Jun 2008 PM 02:32


Anonymous said...

i can make it.
was talking to rizal, he can make it too.
Oma cant make it. He will be in JB with Michelle and baby....
dun worry abt fielding me if got too many players. me in for the makan n fellowship!yeah!

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure I shd be behind BOTH Lenz and Jeremy.... haven't touched my racket since I don know when ;-) hahaa...
Don't want to be accused of fiddling with the rankings now, do we??

Cheers, felix

Anonymous said...

And behind Frank too!!!

Oh, lets confirm the ladies as well - because if all our girls can play (most are office-based) Millie, Wendy, Evelyn, Gillian - we can field one or two in the number 4-5 men's as well ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeremy,

I'll come by for the lunch on Tuesday Aug 12th from office.
And play Tuesday night match if u need the numbers.

I'm not able to play on Wednesday Aug 13th though. Office la... but will come by and join the dinner.

Suggestion - how about karaoke on Tuesday night after the match???


Anonymous said...

Gents, and Ladies,

To make up for the loss of a year's game last year, we're thinking of sending a team up to HK to return the favour of CX visiting us last month. Also to make up for the fact that we did not travel for squash this year - can use the funds from club.

Earlier, we had suggested first weekend Nov - but Ronnie mentioned there's a big rugby event there that weekend.

He suggested we consider the weekend of Nov 21-22-23. I'd like to see if we can assemble a team to travel to HK over that weekend. Show of hands please? Register your interest to me at or 96156022 (mobile).

Hope to have a good turnout for this one!
thanks all,