Tuesday, 20 January 2009

SSRA National Squash League Final Results For 2008

The final results of last year's league season can be found at SSRA's website.
Our D grade team came in 7th out of 11 teams while our F Grade team came in 13th out of 18 teams

NSL 2009 will commence in Feb 2009. We have submitted 2 teams this year:

The E Grade team and a Veterans team.

As most of our active players are ranked in the E grade, it makes more sense to field a strong E grade team rather than a weak D grade team. Moreover, our active F grade players have also been promoted to the E grade this year.

This year will also be the first time in many years that we will be fielding a Veterans team. Most of our E grade players will also be able to play in the Veterans team.

E grade games will be on Mondays and Veterans games will be on Friday. 

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