Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Sticky Residue From The Walls

There has been occasions in the past where the squash balls get a white sticky layer after a game at the courts. This has been traced to the cleaners using Jif to remove the black ball marks on the wall and not washing away the Jif later.

I have brought this to the attention to the club and as of Monday this week when we had the E grade league game, there was no trace of the sticky residue on the squash balls after play.

Anyone who notices the recurrence the white residue, please let me know, so that we can bring it up to the club again.




Anonymous said...

I hope its only Jif.wouldn't want anything else to meddle with my squash balls,ha ha.just joking.

Anonymous said...

ha ha. I had to read what I wrote several times before I posted it so as not to sound hilarious. JL.