Monday, 16 November 2009

SQ vs CX 2009

Hi All,
Results of SQ-CX in United Services Recreation club, kowloon, hong kong

Oma Koppe - Jason Walde 3-2
Eric Phuah - James Hugh Hallett 3-0
Felix Chen - Philippe Lacamp 1-3
Lawrence Chang - Ronnie Osmund 0-3

Overall score 2-2, CX won on countback.

Eric Phuah

New dates for the annual SQCX games.
Our visit to HKG will now be on 13th Nov Friday - 15th Nov Sunday
Those interested in the visit to HKG please contact Jeremy HP: 96229889.


Past Tournaments:

SQ vs CX 2008
SQ vs CX 2006?

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