Sunday, 8 August 2010

Club Players Training Trial Monday 02 Aug to 19th September

Dear SIA Squashers,

The above trial for the flexible booking facility for active club players will commence from 02th Aug to 19 Sept 2010.

The flexible booking facility will be made available to current active club players*. A list of players and their names is appended below.
Details of the trial and list of eligible active players will be posted on our blog at

The aim of the trial is to enable active club players to book court time for practice during the span of the opening hours of the club's courts. This will enable our players to have better access to the club's courts and at the same time freeing the courts for members to book when they would have otherwise been blocked for club player training on the existing fixed training days.

Booking Proceedure

Each player may book 1 hour of court time up to a maximum of 2 hours per week with a limitation that a player cannot book 2 hours of court time back-to-back. You will require two club players names to book a 2 hour back-to-back booking.

There is a 11 hour maximum cap on the total court hours available per week for club player booking.

All cancellations to bookings should be made 24 hours in advance so as to free up the courts for booking by other members.

Players may call the SIA Sports Club Reception at 62148168 to make a booking in advance. The club's receptionist will check your membership number against the list of current active club players* before confirming your booking.
List of Active Club Players

The list will be updated and provided to the club on a regular basis and will be used by the receptionist to verify bookings by club players. Any queries on the list of active club players can be directed to

To qualify as an active club player you must participate in one of the below tournaments in the previous calendar year or the current year:

World Airline Squash Tournament (WAST)

Inter Airline Tournament (e.g. SQ -CX Bilateral)

SSRA National Squash League

SIA Sports Club Bilaterals ( e.g. Chinese Swimming Club and Singapore Swimming Club Bilateral Games).

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