Tuesday, 19 April 2011

SIA Sports Club Squash Interhouse 2011

The Squash interhouse has been slated for 28th May. The posters have gone out sometime already. With some effort, we can make this a well attended one and press the club for more support for our game.

The Paya Lebar team has been coordinated and will be avbl. Kalidas will be checking his team. Other captains please rally your players? More importantly, let us know early if the date is not a good one.

Alternative dates will be in July (likely 30th July)....

I'll coordinate with the Club - but need you to kick in to assist. Otherwise the event goes down in flames and we will have no complaints.... One thing that can complicate matters is that the courts are undergoing major repairs now. I've pressed the Club to ensure that the courts are ready for 28th May. But there is always an outside chance that it won't. Then we'll have to rework this. But for now, we work on assumption that the 28th May Interhouse Squash is on.

Hope to hear from you guys soon ;-) cheers,

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