Thursday, 4 August 2011

Chinese Swimming Club vs SIA Sports Club 18th Sept

Annual Bilateral - CSC vs SIA - 18th Sept

Calling all SIA Squashers,

This annual tradition is being hosted by CSC this year, arranged on 18 Sept, to start at 2pm at their courts at Amber Road. They have proposed a 6-men 1-lady format.

Appreciate your support to participate here and fly our flag ;-) Winning isn't everything, having our best players will be nice but never has been the priority. We want to play, make new friends or renew old ones, have some fun - and finally drink their beer!

Dinner is hosted by them at 7pm at their club.

I'm avbl. Show of hands how many can make the team? Thanks all.


FelixC said...

As of today, I have these players:

Jack Lim
Max Ho

FelixC said...


Felix Chen
Jack Lim
Max Ho
Eric Phuah

FelixC said...

Latest update:

Felix Chen
Jack Lim
Max Ho
Eric Phuah
Eric Yeow
Anubhav (if no roster changes)

Can always do with more :-) and we're looking for a lady player or two.

FelixC said...

Felix Chen
Jack Lim
Max Ho
Eric Phuah
Jeremy Lee
Eric Yeow
Anubhav (if no roster changes)

FelixC said...

Latest line up:

Felix Chen
Jack Lim
Max Ho
Eric Phuah
Jeremy Lee
Eric Yeow
Anubhav (if no roster changes)
Gillian Chew

FelixC said...


Mohd Rizal
Eric Phuah
Felix Chen
Jeremy Lee
Eric Yeow
Jack Lim
Max Ho
Anubhav (if no roster changes)
Gillian Chew

The more the merrier ;-)