Saturday, 7 August 2010

Online Calendar To Manage Club Player Training Days

Dear Squashers,,

I have set up an online calendar at this website address

Anyone can go to this website and put events in the calendar.

Just go there and add your name as an event on the days that you want to play. So when everyone puts in their available days of play, you can see from the calendar who you can call to arrange to play at the club.

We will try this out to see if it works. If not then I will delete the calendar when the trial ends.

This is a free online calendar where we can all put our names on dates where would like to play squash.
You can also visit the calendar to see who is playing on any particular day. Make use of the calendar and the upcoming club player training trial to arrange games/training sessions with other club players.
Can some of you test out the calendar to see if it works.
I have already put in my off days next week where I can play squash. But make sure you confirm with the person by email that the game is on. Putting your name there does not mean you will turn up but rather an indication that you are available to play.


YAK KENG said...


Jeremy Lee said...

Well I guess this is a cheap online solution to finding kaki to play squash.

All those with iphone can visit site and check anytime haha

FelixC said...

I'm available most days evenings after 630pm. Except Wednesday and Friday (date night with better half... hahaa!).
How do I put that down on the calendar??