Thursday, 8 September 2011

Bilateral: vs Singapore Swimming Club, 16 Oct

Trust you are all looking forward to the bilateral (code for friendly games) against Chinese Swimming Club on 18th Sept.

The next one is on 16th Oct (Sunday), vs Singapore Swimming Club (SSC), hosted at our SIA Sports Club. Squash event playing format is suggested as 4-men and 1-lady. Start time is 4.00pm for us.

As usual, there'll be camaraderie and dinner which follows. It's always nice to meet with old friends from SSC and indeed, make new ones. And its a good opportunity as any for us to meet up as well - and drink the Club's beer! So, sign up mateys ;-) Let me know if you are able to play.

Keep squashing,


FelixC said...

Team List:

Jeremy Lee

FelixC said...

Team List:

Jeremy Lee
Eric Phuah (on stby - will be there if not called up).

Anonymous said...

oma free to play on 16oct

FelixC said...

Team list so far:

Oma Koppe
Yak Keng
Eric Phuah (on standby that day, will be there if not called up)
Eng Kiat & Felix flying that night - will turn up if absolutely necc.


FelixC said...

Final line-up:

Rizal, A1
Oma, A2
Kalidas, E1
Anub, E2
Yak Keng, F2


Eng Kiat (E1) and Felix (D1) on standby to play, but have flight that night.
Thanks for making time for this event everyone. See you at SIA Club, 4pm this Sunday.